For August 2019, ~17.65 Lakh vehicles were registered through Vahan. Among the various vehicle types, Two Wheelers (Non-Transport) contributed with maximum 13.69 Lakh registrations. On the other hand, Petrol vehicles led the ‘Fuel Type’ vehicle registrations at 14.95 Lakhs.

Sarathi 4 enabled issuance of ~17.97 Lakh driving licenses in the country, comprising of new licenses (6.73 Lakhs) as well as various transactions on existing licenses (11.24 Lakhs). Furthermore, ~ 12.47 Lakh Learner’s Licenses were also issued during the period.

The total revenue collected in August 2019, was ~Rs. 3,562 crores through Vahan 4, while that through Sarathi 4 was ~Rs 192 crores, for the same period. Some component-wise key figures for the month, are as follows:

KPIs August 2019
Revenue collected Rs. 3,561.79 Crores
Total no. of Vehicle Registrations 15.9 Lakhs
Number of Transactions 54.75 Lakhs
Number of Permits 1.73 Lakhs
KPIs August 2019
Revenue Collected Rs. 191.86 Crores
Total no. of Learners’ Licenses 12.47 Lakhs
Total no. of Driving Licenses 17.97 Lakhs
Number of Applications 31.74 Lakhs
Number of Appointments 11.42 Lakhs
KPIs August 2019
Revenue (collected + pending) Rs. 166 Crores
Number of e-challans issued 18.32 Lakhs
KPIs Till Date
Total number of downloads 75 Lakhs
KPIs August 2019
Total number of SMS/ alerts sent to users 5 Crores