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भारत सरकार
सड़क परिवहन और राजमार्ग मंत्रालय


User who has purchased or acquired the motor vehicle, at a public auction conducted by, or on behalf of, Government, shall make an application in the VAHAN 4.0 portal (as per Form 32 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, '1989), for change of ownership without submitting NOC Bihar And Karnataka are the states in which the auction module is running. In Karnatak first auction was held on 11 May 2020.

Step 1- while applying for the registration of vehicles purchased or acquired in the pubic auction, it will be mandated to upload court/State Government order regarding the auction of the vehicle and public auction details in the VAHAN 4.0 portal to capture the details to be used by the Government as and when required

Step 2- Registering Authority after receiving an application as per section 50(2) in Form 32 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 will verify all the documents.

Step 3 - After verifying the details and fulfillment of criteria laid down in the Motor vehicle Act, 1988, the registering authority will register the vehicle in the name of the person who has purchased or acquired such motor vehicle. 

Note:- After registration of the vehicle, Registering Authority will electronically communicate the information about change of ownership of the vehicle to the Original Registering Authority which had earlier registered the auctioned vehicle for information through the portal. ln case, the original registering Authority is not on VAHAN portal, then the Registering Authority will communicate this information officially by sending a letter to the Registering Authority with which this vehicle was earlier registered.